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Build the future – Our Bayfields Family

At Bayfields, National Apprenticeship Week is a time to highlight the achievements of our apprentices. From HR to finance and marketing, hear how Libby, Lucy, and Shaan have navigated their career paths and embraced learning opportunities despite challenges, reflecting on their growth and future aspirations within our supportive team environment.

This week we are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week at Bayfields. We are incredibly proud of our Bayfields family and in a year that has brought many challenges, our apprentices have been a real credit to the organisation, continuing to develop their skills and helping us reach our goals.

The theme of this years National Apprenticeship Week is ‘Build the Future’ so we thought who better to give an insight about their future careers than our current and recently graduated apprentices.


Libby has recently completed her apprenticeship in HR Business Support and we are thrilled to say has been promoted to a HR Administrator at Bayfields, she also won ‘Central Support Team Member Of The Year’ at our 2020 Bayfields Awards.

What does the future look like for you, and how has being on an Apprenticeship helped?
Being an apprentice has helped me massively! Before I began my apprenticeship in 2019, I hadn’t a clue where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do and after leaving University (after one year!) I felt very lost. My Mum and Dad suggested I looked for an apprenticeship as I would be able to work and gain a qualification at the same time! I found Bayfields were looking for an HR/Business Support Apprentice and I did some research into the field of HR, the more I looked, the more interested I got. I applied and got the job! I really felt like I had found my footing, I love working in HR and gaining my L3 Business Administration with Bayfields has now meant I am able to continue on with further education and study my L5 HR Management which will allow me to gain a CIPD qualification. Being an apprentice allowed me to get excited about my future again - I have been able to create a journey of development where I’m learning each step of the way.

Who has helped you to build your future?
My tutor from CMS Vocational, Sarah, has been a huge help in building my future. Sarah has been supportive from day one, helping me develop my skills and push me to do my absolute best. I truly feel my apprenticeship would have been a very different experience if I didn’t have Sarah as my tutor, she has given me the confidence to continue in my own studies which are a much more independent way of learning. I am very grateful for her support through the past year and a half!

How has the last year impacted you, and what have you learned from it that you can pass on to others?
Throughout lockdown 1, when I was furloughed, I was thankful for my apprenticeship as it gave me something to focus on and was a consistent in my life. Even though I wasn’t working, I was still able to continue my studies. If I were to pass on anything it would be to be open to learning, sometimes you find yourself in circumstances you would have never thought of but you can still continue to learn and develop – even if it’s something small it’s still something and it all counts! 


Lucy is a shining star of our finance department having joined the Bayfields family in 2017 as our Apprentice Accounts Assistant.

What does the future look like for you & how has being on an apprenticeship helped?
The future for me is becoming a fully qualified management accountant. Being on an apprenticeship has helped me massively in progressing in my career, more than what I believe going to University would have. I’ve been able to pick up lots of new skills and knowledge in my day-to-day job which has gone on to benefit me when studying and sitting my exams. Similarly, I have been able to apply some of my academic learning into my everyday role.

Who has helped you to build your future?
I feel that my line manager has been a crucial help in where I am right now in my apprenticeship and where I want to be. The support I have received over the last few years has been amazing and it’s never lacking whether it’s just allowing me the time to study for my exams or actually teaching me something new.

How has the last year impacted you & what have you learnt from it that you can pass on to others?
This last year has had a massive impact on me as I should have completed my Professional Diploma in Accounting by now and have started the next steps to becoming qualified but with most courses and exams cancelled that’s sadly not the case. I did however manage to complete & pass one course after becoming my own teacher and studying on demand during the second lockdown! From this I have learnt to accept that somethings are outside of my control and that’s okay because at the end of the day I can only do my best and I proved that to myself passing my exam whilst balancing work, study & the struggles has COVID brought!


Shaan joined the Bayfields family most recently in 2020 as a Business and Marketing Apprentice, she quickly proved her abilities and already plays a pivotal role as part of our Marketing team.

What does the future look like for you, and how has being on an Apprenticeship helped?
Before joining bayfields as an apprentice, I actually completed a degree in (BA)Fashion Marketing and Branding. After completing my degree and achieving a 2:1 classification in June 2020, I started to look for entry level graduate jobs but soon realised that I did not have the experience that these roles required. Months went by and my job hunt felt like it would never end! I never even considered an apprenticeship because I thought that my degree should be enough, however, when I came across this apprenticeship and felt a connection with the organisation’s values, I began to reconsider. I knew that by building on and reinforcing the knowledge that I learned in my degree, whilst gaining on the job experience I would be able to set myself up with the skills I needed for a future career in marketing. I am now working towards becoming a marketing executive and by being on an apprenticeship I have been able to find an opportunity that allows me to access extra support whilst building an extensive portfolio of practical skills.

Who has helped you to build your future?
My line manager has been brilliant in guiding me and supporting me with my everyday tasks. She continuously mentors me, encourages me and pushes me to do my best. I feel utterly supported by her and have complete confidence that the training and tools that she has provided me with is setting me up for a prosperous future career.
How has the last year impacted you, and what have you learned from it that you can pass on to others?
I felt the great struggle and pressure of being released into the working world and being tasked with the intimidating and strenuous mission of finding my first step into my career. I learned to be persistent and that the correct opportunity will present itself even when you feel like you have tried all options! I would advise others to keep their options open and to consider if an apprenticeship could be right for them and their career ambitions.