The facts about ear wax
Experiencing slight hearing loss or discomfort might be due to ear wax build-up. Ear wax protects your ear canal and eardrum, but when it builds up, it can cause issues like blocked ears, ear discomfort, and tinnitus. At Bayfields Audiology, we offer gentle micro-suction removal, a safe and comfortable procedure to clear excess wax.
If you’ve experienced slight hearing loss or discomfort it could well be down to a build-up of ear wax and although heading to your GP may feel like the best way to get it sorted, it may be better to visit your nearest Bayfields Audiologist. Read on to find out why!
Ear wax, if you weren’t sure, is actually a good thing: it protects your ear canal and eardrum, keeping them moist and trapping dirt and germs. However, there are a number of common instances where ear wax can become built-up, causing discomfort and affecting the quality of your hearing.
Here’s an overview of when this commonly happens, what the signs are, and the best ways to remedy it.
Common reasons for ear wax build-up:
- Naturally producing a little too much. Some of us just produce more!
- Having narrow ear canals can lead to issues arising more easily.
- Wearing in-ear equipment. People who wear hearing aids, earplugs or in-ear headphones are likely to produce more ear wax.
- Getting older. It’s just one of those things that comes with age, our ear wax tends to become harder, and more uncomfortable, which can cause complications.
Common symptoms:
The most common sign of ear wax build-up is hearing loss, but you may also experience:
- blocked ears
- ear discomfort
- a feeling of fullness in the ear
- earache
- tinnitus (hearing a ringing, whooshing, humming or buzzing sound)
- itchiness
- irritation of the ear canal leading to a cough.