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The Do's and Dont's of Ear Cleaning

When it comes to personal hygiene, ear cleaning might not top the list for most people.

Cleaning your ears in the wrong way can lead to discomfort or even damage. Bayfields Head of Clinical Development, Claire Saywell dives into the best practices for maintaining clean and healthy ears in a safe way. 


Why Ear Cleaning Matters 

Our ears naturally produce earwax (technically called cerumen), which serves as a very useful protective barrier against dust, microorganisms, and foreign particles. While a small amount of wax is beneficial, excessive build up can totally block the ears and cause a feeling of fullness and stop you hearing 


Safe Ear Cleaning Methods


  1. Let Nature Take Its Course: 

  • In most cases, your ears are self-cleaning. Jaw movements from talking and chewing help to naturally push earwax towards the outer ear, where it can be wiped or fall away safely. 

  1. Use a Damp Cloth: 

  • Gently wiping the outer part of your ear with a damp cloth is sufficient for everyday cleaning. Avoid inserting the cloth into your ear canal. 

  1. Over-the-Counter Ear Drops: 

  • If you feel a build-up of wax, over-the-counter ear drops, especially oil-based ones can help to soften it. Always follow the instructions on the packaging. 

  1. Professional Cleaning: 

  • If you're experiencing hearing  issues, discomfort or suspect an infection, consult with a healthcare professional. They can safely remove earwax and provide personalised advice. 

What to Avoid 



  1. Cotton Swabs: 

  • Ear wax naturally gets pushed out of the ear canal. Despite their popularity, cotton swabs can push earwax deeper into the ear canal, leading to impactions or injuries. They are meant for external use only. 

  1. Ear Candling: 

  • This method involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear and lighting it to create a vacuum that supposedly draws out earwax. Not only is it ineffective, but it also poses a risk of burns and ear damage. 

  1. Sharp Objects: 

  • Never use objects like bobby pins, tweezers, or keys to clean your ears. These can cause injuries and infections. 

Signs You Need to seek Professional Help 

  • Persistent ear pain or discomfort 

  • Hearing loss 

  • Itchiness or a feeling of fullness in the ear 

  • Unusual discharge 

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to seek medical advice. Ear health is crucial, and a professional can provide the best care. 


Bayfields offer free of charge Hearing Health Checks to check your ears and your hearing. We also offer wax removal services in all of our practices. Contact us here  if you want to book an appointment or discuss any ear issues.