Hearing loss - how to spot the early signs
Did you know that hearing loss, tinnitus, and deafness affect around 12 million people in the UK? It’s more common than you might think — in fact, many more people may be experiencing hearing loss without realising it.
Hearing loss – how to spot the early signs
Did you know that hearing loss, tinnitus, and deafness affect around 12 million people in the UK? It’s more common than you might think — in fact, many more people may be experiencing hearing loss without realising it.
From ear wax removal to hearing aids, there are plenty of ways to help ease the symptoms of hearing loss — but how do you know what to look out for? Recognising early hearing loss symptoms is key to getting the right support and getting the best quality of life. So read on to learn more about spotting the early signs of hearing loss.
What causes hearing loss?
There are different types of hearing loss, and these can occur for a variety of reasons. It can be a natural part of ageing but exposure to loud noises, infections, and earwax build-up can also contribute. There are several key ways to protect your ears but it’s also important to be aware of signs that your hearing ability may have reduced.
Early signs of hearing loss in adults
So, how do you know if you are starting to lose your hearing?
- The first thing many people notice is difficulty in conversations. You might find yourself asking friends and loved ones to repeat themselves or struggle to keep up in group conversations — particularly in noisy settings.
- Phone conversations may also start to feel more challenging and you might find yourself straining to hear the other person. Many people tend to feel drained and stressed from having to concentrate on both in-person and phone conversations.
- Needing to turn the TV or radio volume up higher than usual could also indicate hearing loss.
In all these cases, it’s common for other people to notice these hearing loss symptoms before you do.
Perhaps you’ve been experiencing itchy ears and a feeling of fullness in your ear canal. Along with muffled sounds and tinnitus, this could be a sign of temporary hearing loss caused by ear wax build-up. Fortunately, there’s a straightforward treatment for this — microsuction ear wax removal. For more information about how we conduct this treatment, feel free to take a look at our ear wax removal information page.
And if you’d like to learn more about common hearing loss symptoms, take a look at our hearing loss guide.
Sudden hearing loss
Sudden loss of hearing is very different to a gradual decline in hearing. Known as sudden deafness, this type of hearing loss often affects one ear and happens very quickly — usually overnight or over a few days.
Most people with a sudden loss wake up to find they can’t hear, or they notice hearing loss when they go to use a phone or speak to someone. Other people experience a popping sound before their hearing goes. Dizziness and nausea sometimes accompany a sudden loss too.
If you think you might have sudden deafness, contact your doctor as soon as possible. They’ll be able to determine the underlying cause and can sometimes prescribe medication to help you regain your hearing.
What to do if you notice signs of hearing loss
Similarly, if you notice hearing loss symptoms in yourself, the next step is to book a hearing test. An audiologist will look at your ears and test your hearing to work out how many decibels you can hear.
When you book a free hearing test with Bayfields Opticians and Audiologists, you’ll visit our state-of-the-art audiology suite, where our team will discuss your hearing check results and help you find the right solution for you.
You also have the option to try a free online hearing test before your in-store checkup. This five-minute test will give you an idea of whether or not you need a full hearing check.
As well as booking a hearing test, there are some key actions you can take to protect your hearing from further damage. From wearing ear protection when using noisy machinery to taking quiet breaks in loud environments, you can look after your ears and your hearing.
Hearing care from Bayfields Opticians and Audiologists
Whether you’ve noticed a decline in your hearing or you’re experiencing uncomfortable ear wax build-up, our team of experienced audiologists can help. Book a hearing test at your local Bayfields branch and let us find the perfect hearing solution for your needs.