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Optical Elderly Man Struggling To Read (2)

Why is my eyesight getting worse as I get older?

5 min read 4 February

Did you know that our vision typically matures by the age of 8 or 9, reaching adult levels? However, our eyesight doesn’t stay static. Throughout life, our need for glasses and the strength of our prescription often fluctuate.

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The Do's and Dont's of Ear Cleaning

3 min read 31 January

When it comes to personal hygiene, ear cleaning might not top the list for most people.

Digital Detox (2)

How a Digital Detox Can Help Your Vision

3 min read 16 January

With the start of a new year, many of us are setting resolutions to improve our health and wellbeing.

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Winter and Your Eyes: Common Conditions and How to Protect Your Vision

4 min read 26 November

Winter brings its own set of health challenges, and your eyes are no exception.

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Driving in the Dark: Could You Need Glasses?

3 min read 26 November

As the nights grow longer and the winter darkness settles in, the challenges of driving in low light become more apparent.

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Signs Your Loved Ones May Be Experiencing Hearing Loss and How to Support Them This Christmas

3 min read 22 November

Learn how to support loved ones who are experiencing hearing loss this Christmas.

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How Changes in Your Ears Could Signal Diabetes

3 min read 20 November

With over 1.2 million people in the UK potentially living with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, this condition can often go unnoticed until other health complications arise.

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How early detection of poor hearing and vision loss in elderly can help positively impact the symptoms of dementia

3 min read 26 September

Did you know in the UK, it’s estimated that 7 million adults need hearing aids but only 2 million use them with research indicating that people with hearing loss not using hearing aids have a higher risk of dementia.

The Best Foods And Vitamins For Eye Health Istock 1257837082

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Boost Your Eye and Ear Health

4 min read 26 September

Did you know that a healthy diet doesn’t just benefit your overall well-being, but also plays a big role in keeping your eyes and ears in good shape? It’s true! What you eat can help protect your vision and hearing, and even help manage conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, which can negatively impact these important senses.


Synergy of Sight and Sound: How Your Eyes and Ears Enhance Everyday Life

5 min read 26 September

Have you ever thought about how much your eyes and ears work together? These two senses are constantly teaming up to help you move through the world, enhancing your awareness and making everyday tasks easier.